Guest Workshop: Balancing Work and Home Life Transitions with Denise Wassenhove
Change can be incredibly overwhelming, but there are steps and strategies that we can use to help us get organized and prepare for change. Better organization and preparation means less overwhelm (and wouldn’t we all like a bit less overwhelm?). Denise Wassenhove, professional organizer and owner of Lean On Me, is full of ways to get ready for big changes, and in this workshop, she’s going to share some of those strategies with you! Denise will talk about how to get ready for things like a new job or how to prepare to tackle changes at home. Join us for this special guest workshop, to learn how to deal with change and prevent overwhelm when big changes come knocking!
About our speaker: Denise currently resides in Moline, Illinois and holds a BA and MBA from St. Ambrose University. She is passionate and highly motivated about helping the women of the Quad Cities get organized. Denise loves to volunteer in her community! She has donated countless hours to help those in need of her organizing skills.
Denise WassenhoveOwner of Lean On Me